An image of the Brambles logo

Celebrating World
Environment Day

Tuesday 5 June 2018

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The United Nations’ (UN) World Environment Day occurs every year on 5 June and raises awareness about the importance of valuing our environment. It encourages governments, civil society and businesses to take specific actions to address global environmental challenges, such as climate change, natural resource scarcity and pollution.

Brambles sustainability day logo

Brambles first-ever Sustainability Day

This is a cause Brambles is very passionate about, so we have aligned with the annual United Nations event to hold our company’s first-ever Sustainability Day on 5 June.

Brambles' is committed to the UN’s drive to make the world a better place, which is why our 2020 Sustainability Goals are aligned to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

Banned things

Beat Plastic Pollution

The theme for World Environment Day 2018 is ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’. Today´s society has become over reliant on single-use or disposable plastic – with severe environmental consequences. It is estimated that by 2050 there could be more plastics than fish in the sea.

The transition to a circular economy has never been more important and the issue of plastic pollution has been put under the spotlight for the 2018 UN world Environment Day event. Plastic pollution is a symptom of linear take, make and dispose business models which don’t account for the value of materials, such as plastic over their life cycle or damage caused when released into the environment.

Brambles’ is a unique example of the circular model operating at a global scale. Our pallets, crates and containers form the invisible backbone of global supply chains. We have approximately 600 million assets that are continuously in motion, across 60 countries. This perpetuates a virtuous cycle of sharing and reusing resources, creating more efficient supply chains by reducing operating costs and demand on natural resources. Each time our customers choose Brambles’ share and reuse solutions over one-way packaging, carbon emissions are reduced, raw materials are saved, and waste is avoided.

Imagine if more businesses shared and reused our resources!

Container box

If you can’t reuse it, refuse it!

The tagline of World Environment Day 2018 is ‘If you can’t reuse it, refuse it‘ which is closely aligned with our ‘share and reuse’ business model.

At the very heart of our company is the fact that we often replace single-use, disposable platforms with reusable products that our customers use over and over again. IFCO has estimated that our crates are reused between 50 – 100 times during its lifecycle.

Sharing and reusing

Beyond our “share and reuse” business model

We also have a commitment to manage each material in the best possible way – either timber, plastic or any other.

We incorporate recycled content in our own reusable plastic crates and pallets and, once they reach the end of their long lifecycles, they are recycled or reground into new products. For example, through this strategy, 97% of our largest managed sites send zero plastic product waste to landfill sites. We want to continue improving in this area, so our business doesn’t generate any plastic product waste.

In celebration of World Environment Day and our first Sustainability Day, we encourage everyone to take action to protect our environment from plastic pollution.

