Other Portfolio Actions
During the Year we further consolidated our portfolio by divesting our CHEP Recycled business and our 50% interest in the Hoover Ferguson Group (HFG) Oil & Gas containers joint venture.
The proceeds of these divestments are being used to fund growth and operational investments, such as plant automation, in businesses that generate attractive shareholder returns in the medium to long term.
Board Renewal
In light of my intention to step down as Chairman at the end of my current term, the Nominations Committee has formed a Sub-Committee, chaired by Tony Froggatt, to conduct the process to appoint my successor. As part of that process, George El-Zoghbi was appointed to the Nominations Committee on 26 June 2018 and an external professional search firm has been appointed. The Sub-Committee is on track to select a successor and facilitate a smooth transition well in advance of my retirement in 2020.
As part of the ongoing Board renewal process, Elizabeth Fagan joined the Brambles Board as a Non-Executive Director on 1 June 2018. Ms. Fagan, who has filled a vacancy created by the retirement of Christine Cross in August 2017, has extensive knowledge and experience in the international retail sector developed over a 30-year career. For the past 12 years, she has worked in senior executive positions at Boots UK & Ireland where she is currently Managing Director. On 1 September 2018, she will step down from this role and become the Non-Executive Chairman of Boots UK & Ireland. Given the importance of the retail sector to Brambles, Ms. Fagan is an ideal addition to the Brambles Board.
In addition, Carolyn Kay will be retiring from the Board at this Year’s AGM in October. Ms. Kay has served as a Non-Executive Director for 12 years and, on behalf of the Board, I thank her for her valuable contribution to Brambles.
On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank our management team and staff for their efforts and ongoing commitment during the Year. Brambles remains a resilient business with an exciting future. As we enter FY19, we are well positioned to continue to work towards achieving our strategic priorities and focus on delivering sustainable value for our customers, shareholders and employees over the long term.

Stephen Johns
2 Continuing operations