Brambles defines sustainability as the strategies and activities the Group has adopted in relation to its employees, the environment, ethics and the community.
The Brambles Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has operational responsibility for sustainability issues.
The ELT helps to formulate sustainability policies and is responsible for implementing these across the organisation.
Brambles Sustainability Risk Committee (SRC), formed in 2016, is responsible for assisting the CEO and Executive Leadership Team (ELT) with sustainability strategies, targets and activities, consistent with the Group’s Shared Values. Sustainability is part of the ELT agenda on a regular basis.
The SRC is a management committee comprising Brambles’ Group Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Global Head of Sustainability and Group Vice President, Risk & Assurance and a cross section of senior Brambles corporate and business unit executives with relevant and applicable functional expertise.
The Board is also regularly updated on sustainability issues, either by the CEO or members of the Sustainability Risk Committee.
Brambles’ Code of Conduct provides an ethical and legal framework for all employees in the conduct of Brambles business. It includes policies on Corporate Supplier Responsibility, Environment, Health and Safety, Diversity, Supplier, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, and so on. Brambles implements its Code of Conduct through a variety of training and induction programs. All new employees receive and sign-off a copy of the Code of Conduct. In addition, business units provide regular training.
As part of Brambles' internal compliance, designated country General Managers are required to sign off on compliance with the Code of Conduct in bi-annual management declarations, as well as detail representations received from local communities, governments or legitimate special interest groups that raise any significant, or potentially significant, community relations issues.
Brambles’ Headquarters and each of its business units have a risk and control committee (RCC). Each RCC conducts an in-depth review on a regular basis of the risk profile of the relevant business unit, or of Headquarters. In 2015, economic, environmental and social sustainability risks were incorporated into the Group’s risk management framework. The ELT, through the CEO, prepares a risk report for the Board twice yearly. Further information on Brambles risk management is outlined each year in its Corporate Governance Statement.
Brambles uses the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards as a framework for the reporting of our sustainability activities. We also seek external assurance each year on key areas of focus.
Brambles encourages independent external evaluation of our sustainability performance through participation in initiatives such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, CDP, CDP Forests, CDP Supply Chain and FTSE4Good. Scores or rankings are provided publicly where applicable.