Brambles Sustainability Team
Brambles defines Sustainability as the strategies and activities the Group has adopted in relation to its employees, the environment, ethics and the community. Sustainability in Brambles is led, and represented at Board level, by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
Brambles has a well-established Sustainability Risk and Compliance Committee (led by the Chief Sustainability Officer, (CSO)) which reports to the CFO and to the Board. The Sustainability Risk and Compliance Committee is responsible developing sustainability strategies, targets and activities consistent with the Brambles’ Group shared values. It comprises of the CSO, Chief People Officer, Group Senior VP of Risk, Internal Audit & Insurance and a cross-section of senior Brambles corporate and business unit executives. The Sustainability Risk and Compliance Committee meets semi-annually.
The Sustainability Team led by the CSO is responsible for the implementation of Brambles’ Sustainability objectives and reporting. It is supported by senior personnel from the Regional Business Units and from Brambles’ Corporate functions including Group Finance, Human Resources, Procurement, Marketing, Communications, Supply Chain and Product Development Additional departments and subject matter experts are invited as deemed appropriate. The Sustainability team, together with Group Treasury will be responsible for:
- Reviewing the content of the Framework and potentially updating it to reflect changes in corporate strategy, technology, market, or regulatory developments on a best efforts basis;
- Initiating the update of non-Brambles documents such as Second Party Opinion (SPO) and related documents from external auditors as far as required;
- The evaluation and selection of assets in line with the eligibility criteria;
- Designating, reviewing and updating the Eligible Green Portfolio;
- Overseeing the allocation of the proceeds from Green Financing Instruments to Eligible Green Assets, to ensure that the amount of Eligible Green Assets equals or exceeds the amount of Green Financing Instruments, replacing those assets that no longer comply with the eligibility criteria or for which the Sustainability Team has otherwise determined should not be funded under this Framework as soon as practicable;
- Overseeing, approving and publishing the allocation and impact reporting, including external assurance statements4; and
- Considering the applicability of international green finance regulation and aligning on a best efforts basis and as far as required
Brambles’ Sustainability Commitments, Guidelines and Policies
Brambles’ sustainability commitments, guidelines and policies are considered as minimum standards for business conducted by Brambles, including any expenditures / assets financed with the proceeds of Green Finance Instruments issued under this Framework. They ensure that the environmental and social risks potentially associated with the Eligible Green Assets are properly mitigated via the due-diligence processes conducted by Brambles and comply with national and international environmental and social standards, local laws and regulations. Set out below are some examples of relevant codes and policies:
⁴ Brambles may rely on external consultants and their data sources, in addition to its own assessment.