Our 2025
sustainability vision is to

Pioneer Regenerative Supply Chains

Explore our 2025 Targets

At Brambles, we are working to help create a nature positive economy with re-use, resilience and regeneration at its core. It’s how we can create more natural and social value than we take, while bringing emissions down to zero as soon as possible. We’re setting the ambition to pioneer truly regenerative supply chains. It means breaking the link between consumption and harm to the environment and society. And it means moving from degenerative systems that waste resources to regenerative models that restore nature and strengthen society; In other words, putting back in more than we take from the world. By reaching zero impact and beyond, we’ll be the company delivering the supply chains the world needs for the future.


Forest positive

Brambles aims to set a global benchmark for sourcing certified sustainable wood for our products while promoting the regeneration of forests. Under our Forest Positive strategy, by FY25 we aim to enable the sustainable growth of two trees for every tree used in our operations.1

1. Sustainable sourcing ensures the first tree is already replanted.

Main Target:

Enable the sustainable growth of two trees for every tree used

Supporting Target:

Ensure 100% sustainable sourcing of timber

Supporting Target:

Collaborate to transition more forestry markets to CoC certification

Restoring the world’s forests to near pre-industrial levels will help meet the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. So we’ll grow two trees for every one we use for our pallets – adding millions of new trees by 2030. One tree is planted through our current certification programmes, and the other tree will be for the planet and its people. We will partner with forestry organisations to assess large-scale planting projects with an aim to increase biodiversity and generate carbon offset credits. These efforts, combined with the broader adoption of Chain-of-Custody certification, will continue to positively transform forest product markets and address our most pressing sustainability issues.

Brambles Forest Positive initiatives will support our own and our customers’ decarbonisation objectives while increasing global forest cover. Reforestation is an effective nature-based solution delivering multiple benefits such as addressing critical biodiversity issues, climate change and opening opportunities in carbon markets. These objectives place Brambles on a pathway towards regeneration and will ultimately help create more natural capital beyond the business’s requirement for raw materials.

The Brambles Forest positive objectives are directly aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs):

Target 8.4

Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, in accordance with the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, with developed countries taking the lead

Target 13.1

Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters

Target 15.1

Ensure conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services. In particular, forests

Target 15.2

Promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests, and increase afforestation and reforestation globally

Learn more about the UN SDGs


Climate positive

Brambles commits to a 1.5°C climate future, aligning with the 2015 Paris Agreement and is working towards achieving its SBTi verified climate targets covering the full value chain.

Main Target:

By 2030, our validated SBTs include 42% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and 17% reduction in Scope 3 (on FY20 levels)

Main Target:

By 2040, we aim to achieve net-zero emissions, covering 100% Brambles’ operational and value chain emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3)

Supporting Target:

100% renewable electricity in our own operations by 2025

Supporting Target:

Maintaining carbon neutrality in operations (Scope 1 and 2)

Brambles has created a dedicated decarbonisation team integrated within the supply chain function and a governance structure to manage the challenge effectively. Working with internal and external stakeholders across many initiatives, the team has created an actionable roadmap to ensure this corporate, strategic vision becomes a reality across five continents and 60 countries. Brambles’ decarbonisation plans will pursue emissions reductions in our operations and subcontracted sites, with logistics suppliers and through strategic procurement engagements and controls. The key levers for decarbonisation include:

  • Asset efficiency: maximising the recovery and reuse of our platforms, enhancing the company’s circular model, and reducing expenditure on new assets
  • Renewable electricity: in our own and subcontracted locations
  • Network productivity: plant and logistics optimisation, reducing empty transport lanes and maximising truck loads
  • Enabling the testing of alternative fuels: zero emissions transport technologies (such as electric and hydrogen trucks) and alternative fuels for heating
  • Reducing the volume of waste: diverting it from landfill to low or zero emissions processes.

Brambles will progressively embed decarbonisation targets into our strategic and financial decision‐making processes. This includes integrating carbon considerations into capital allocation, policies, product design and procurement processes. We will also seek to collaborate with our suppliers, customers, and the broader industry. Our Climate Positive targets will leverage the outcomes of our afforestation projects from our Forest Positive initiatives and build synergies with Brambles' Supply Chain Positive programme and our commitments to the TCFD.


Brambles Climate Positive commitments recognise both the urgency of action on climate change and the benefits that a decarbonising economy will create for our circular business model and all our stakeholders. These objectives will transform our low-carbon business model into a climate change solution and is essential to Brambles' regenerative ambitions.

The Brambles Climate positive objectives are directly aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs):

Learn more about the UN SDGs


Waste positive

Designing out waste is a critical component of the circular economy and Brambles’ waste targets reinforce this. We minimise and repurpose our product waste by reducing, reusing, recycling and recovering it, paving the way for regenerative supply chains. In order to achieve this, it is essential that we work collaboratively with subcontracted locations and develop solutions to achieve our zero product waste target.

Main Target:

Zero product materials sent to landfill for all Brambles and subcontracted locations1

1. Our measurement covers locations that account for 95% of Brambles’ outbound product volume.

Supporting Target:

Zero waste sent to landfill for all Brambles locations, including offices and service centres

Supporting Target:

Aspire to use 30% recycled or upcycled plastic waste by 2025 and 100% by 2030

Supporting Target:

Optimise all water use, including reclaiming, recycling, replenishment and treatment

We will continue to improve the circularity of our business model by achieving zero waste for all our core materials by 2025 and go a step further by turning single-use plastics into long-life products that contain 30% recycled or upcycled plastic by 2025. Our products will continue their market-leading performance with our Innovation Team testing the recycled/upcycled content formula to ensure that our circular products' structural integrity, safety, and durability standards are achieved. We will also ensure all of our offices are as waste-free as possible.

Moreover, we recognise that water is a precious resource, as well as being crucial to the operation of our business. We take our responsibility to use water wisely seriously. The water positive target aims to ensure freshwater is carefully managed through our service centre design, including washing and discharging municipal sewers.

Our Waste Positive goals ensure we reduce our dependencies and impacts on natural resources whilst reducing cost and waste in our network to maintain competitiveness.

Brambles recognises that we have a role to play in addressing the linear economy not only within, but also outside of our business. It’s why we have committed to sourcing post‑consumer waste plastics to contribute to our input materials. This addresses the plastic waste issue, which is important for our customers and society.

Therefore, this commitment increases the market demand and, therefore, value of the recovered plastic materials by creating reliable demand.

The Brambles Waste positive objectives are directly aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs):

Learn more about the UN SDGs


Supply chain positive

Brambles’ Supply Chain Positive programme is the foundation of our low-carbon, circular model. Improving our circular performance each year provides resource, emissions, and waste reduction benefits for our customers. Brambles communicates these benefits to customers helping them progress their own sustainability commitments.

Main Target:

Continuous increases in environmental benefits in our customers supply chains through our ‘share and reuse’ model

Main Target:

Co-develop and improve our performance in leading circular measurement tools and advocate and promote their use for industry

Brambles will pioneer regenerative supply chains by expanding our circular model every year, increasing the environmental benefits in our customers’ supply chains and leveraging the nature-based solutions created through our Forest Positive initiatives.

At a practical level this means:

  • Replacing single-use and one-way alternatives with our circular solutions;
  • Accounting for the carbon and waste reductions using life cycle assessment (LCA);
  • Accounting for the natural capital benefits from our Forest Positive programme; and
  • Leveraging carbon sequestration process to offset the residual impact on our own and our customers’ supply chains.

Supply Chain Positive aims to take the principles of circularity to broad-scale adoption. It is why we are actively participating with other companies in the development of circular economy measurement tools with global experts. This will initiate our pathway to creating regenerative supply chains for customers.

Advocating for widespread adoption of a circular economy is central to Brambles' purpose and is promoted by leading organisations, such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) the EMF, and the WBCSD. A circular strategy addresses both economic inefficiencies and environmental issues that have reached a critical junction, including waste and climate change. Brambles' 70 years' experience operating through a circular business model positions it as a leader that sets a benchmark for circularity at a global scale. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation recognised this unique attribute in May 2020, rating Brambles with an A- in its Circulytics programme. Brambles’ circular expertise helped to develop the two leading circular measurement frameworks from the EMF and the WBCSD. While presenting different approaches in circularity measurement, we see significant potential for both tools to transform economies from linear to circular.

Constantly reviewing and improving all aspects of our circular share and reuse model helps our customers to efficiently serve their markets while reducing the financial and environmental impacts versus conventional single-use alternatives.

The Brambles Supply chain positive objectives are directly aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs):

Learn more about the UN SDGs


Positive collaboration

Our core strategy is to collaborate with our customers to achieve shared sustainability goals. By doing so, we can create supply chains that reduce impact and, in time, have a net positive effect.

Main Target:

Expand our customer collaborations in all regions, doubling the number of customer collaborations from 250 to 500

Positive collaboration is genuinely unique to Brambles' business model. It is enabled through our unmatched visibility of transport supply chains and our long-term partnerships throughout each network. Our collaboration projects differentiate Brambles by uncovering new value, which helps customers achieve their supply chain sustainability objectives.

Looking forward, this programme will continue to capitalise on our scale, data and our relationships to solve shared sustainability challenges. For customers, Collaboration Positive will leverage our BXB Digital capabilities and our new innovative products and solutions. For maximum impact, Positive Collaboration will be delivered through our Zero Waste World programme.

Our visibility of supply chains, our scale, data and relationships enable us to create opportunities to optimise our customers' and our own supply chains. These collaborations allow us to solve shared sustainability challenges such as:

  • eliminate waste
  • erradicate empty transport miles
  • cut out inefficiencies

The Brambles Positive collaboration objectives are directly aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs):

Learn more about the UN SDGs


Workplace positive

Brambles aims to provide a workplace with purpose and compassion; one that upholds the expectations of all stakeholders now and in the future.

Main Target:

Reduce BIFR by 25% (achieved in FY22) and develop a wellbeing-at-work programme

Main Target:

At least 40% of positions held by women on the Board and in management, and doubling representation of women in our plants

Main Target:

Achieve rating of top 25% for inclusivity and launch an accessibility programme in each region2

2. Per results of Brambles’ Global Engagement Survey and the global high-performing benchmark data from the survey provider.

Main Target:

Achieve rating of top 25% of places to work

Main Target:

Achieve Global Top Employer accreditation2

Our safety strategy will focus on the continued implementation of our Safety Differently programme using the Human and Organisational Performance (HOP) framework, which helps apply our changes in a practical and employee-centric way.

At Brambles, we see diversity as both a strength and an advantage and recognise the exceptional variety of talent, creativity, thought, experience, perspectives, and styles this brings. This enables us to identify best‑in‑class supply chain solutions for our customers. We believe that everyone should have a voice, and we commit to listening to those voices to deliver the very best experience for our employees, customers, and shareholders.

Workplace Positive provides our employees with fulfilling work and contributes to a positive society. A well-governed, safe, diverse and engaged workforce directly relates to customer satisfaction, attracting and retaining talent and better financial outcomes. We believe a truly inclusive environment fuels innovation, growth and agility.

Put simply; we believe that an inclusive and diverse environment is better for our people and better for our business.

The Brambles Workplace positive objectives are directly aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs):

Learn more about the UN SDGs


Food positive

The reliance on food banks is ever rising, fuelled by global conflicts, impacts of climate change on agricultural patterns and environmental disasters, and inflation impacting food prices. The share of the global population experiencing food insecurity and chronic hunger is increasing. Brambles plays an important role in facilitating the flow of rescued food to and from food relief organisations, aligning with the 2030 UN SDGs Goal 2: Zero hunger.

With food poverty continuing to rise, we’ll use our core expertise in logistics and food waste reduction to facilitate the provision of food to 10 million people alongside food bank networks.

Volunteering, in‑kind donations, skills and expertise sharing, and financial donations will be the catalysts for this target.

We are in a privileged position to share our expertise to support food banks to alleviate hunger. Food waste prevention and food security programs have many social and environmental benefits. In many cases, the impact of Foodbanks' initiatives goes beyond the people they have directly supported. With services such as debt advice or mental health counselling also help people break free from the poverty cycle.

The Brambles Food positive objectives are directly aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs):

Target 2.1

By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round.

Target 2.4

By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality.

Learn more about the UN SDGs


Circular economy transformation

Brambles’ Circular Economy Transformation programme advocates for accelerating the adoption of circular strategies. We share our expertise and leadership to help transform linear businesses into circular and ultimately regenerative businesses.

Main Target:

Advocate, educate and impact one million people to become circular economy change makers

We will collaborate with external organisations such as the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and other leading coalitions to help accelerate the circular transition.

We will develop a comprehensive strategy to reach, educate and inspire through three pillars: Education, Events and Communications.

Our leadership position, experience, and expertise in the circular economy places us in the ideal position to share, train, and inspire people to adopt more environmentally friendly production and consumption models based on the principles of circularity.

By increasing knowledge on the benefits of circular models we will help consumers make more informed choices and help them vote for positive action through their purchases.

The Brambles Circular economy transformation objectives are directly aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs):

Target 4.7

By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.

Target 12.1

Implement the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, all countries taking action, with developed countries taking the lead, taking into account the development and capabilities of developing countries.

Target 12.2

By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.

Target 12.3

By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses.

Target 12.5

By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

Target 12.6

Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle.

Target 12.8

By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature.

Learn more about the UN SDGs


Positive impacts for people and our planet

Overwhelmingly, social and environmental issues are not accounted for in conventional financial systems. To address this fundamental gap, Brambles commits to adopting natural and social capital accounting approaches to transparently measure and validate our performance against all 2025 targets and confirm progress towards our regenerative status.

Main Target:

Adopting or developing natural and social capital accounting approaches to transparently measure and validate our performance against all 2025 targets

Brambles has committed to researching, testing, and integrating the leading accounting approaches such as the Natural Capital Protocol (NCP) into our business. This is an important step in our regenerative ambitions and will account for and validate our performance against our regenerative status.

In FY22, we will build on the value chain-wide carbon inventory and begin to scope the application of the NCP. We will also be looking for the right partners, collaborations and aligned peers to pursue the path together. We recognise this is a challenging ambition, and we don't have all the answers. However, commitment is critical to building a genuinely regenerative business and we welcome feedback and input from stakeholders also pursuing a regenerative future.

Many of our regenerative initiatives positively impact the world's natural and social capital. To capture these effects is important to ensure we are truly transitioning to a regenerative model.